Loss Causes - Hair CheckUp

This check-up helps to identify hidden causes of hair loss and improve hair health. The program includes tests to assess levels of iron, vitamins, trace elements, and hormones that affect hair growth and health.

Program Options:
Identifying the Main Causes:
  • Zinc in Serum: A key trace element that plays a crucial role in cell division, immune system support, and hair health. Zinc deficiency can lead to hair loss and weakened hair structure.
  • Ferritin: A protein complex, the primary intracellular storage form of iron. Low levels can result in hair loss and weakened hair follicles, as iron is essential for hair growth and strengthening.
  • TSH (Thyroid-Stimulating Hormone): Regulates the thyroid gland, which influences metabolism and hair growth.
  • 25-OH Vitamin D (Calcidiol): The main form of vitamin D in the blood, important for calcium absorption and bone health, and also affects hair growth and condition.
  • Complete Blood Count (CBC) (Hematocrit; Hemoglobin; Red Blood Cells; Platelets; White Blood Cells; White Blood Cell Differential; ESR): Assesses the condition of the main blood cells. It is crucial for diagnosing conditions that may impact hair health, such as iron deficiency or chronic inflammation, which can affect the growth and strength of hair follicles.

Expanded Assessment:
Includes the “Identifying the Main Causes” package plus:
  • Serum Iron: A key element for the proper formation of hemoglobin and oxygen transport throughout the body. Iron deficiency can weaken hair follicles and lead to increased hair loss.
  • Magnesium: An essential mineral involved in over 300 biochemical reactions in the body. It supports the health of the nervous system, muscles, and cardiovascular system, helps maintain normal calcium levels, and plays a crucial role in cell regeneration, which is important for skin and hair health.
  • TIBC, UIBC (Total and Unsaturated Iron Binding Capacity) and Transferrin Saturation: Indicators that help determine the availability of iron for the body. They are crucial for hair health, as they reflect the blood’s ability to bind and transport iron.

In-Depth Cause Analysis:
Includes the “Identifying the Main Causes” and “Expanded Assessment” packages plus:
  • Testosterone: A primary sex hormone that significantly impacts the condition of hair follicles. An imbalance in testosterone levels can contribute to hair loss and thinning in both men and women.
  • Macro and Trace Elements, Heavy Metals (Zinc, Selenium, Manganese, Copper, Iron, Cobalt, Vanadium, Chromium, Molybdenum, Mercury, Lead): This analysis helps identify deficiencies, imbalances, and potential toxic exposures that can affect health and metabolism, including hair health.

Provider: PT Diagnos Laboratorium Utama Tbk