SpOG - Obstetrics and Gynecologist

Doctors for regular check-ups, initial consultations for complaints, treatment of bacterial vaginosis and other infections, pregnancy management:
Dr. Ida Bagus Suardiana
Dr. Arresta Vitasatria Suastika
Dr. Naivah
Dr. I Gusti Agung Ngurah Santosa

High-level specialist, suitable for managing chronic gynecological diseases/surgical gynecology, as well as fertility issues:
Dr. Hendra Hadimulia

Doctors of the multidisciplinary hospital, suitable for addressing any issues:
Dr. Winda Andaka
Dr. A.A Bagus Indra Permadi
Dr. Anak Agung Gede Adi Parathama
Dr. Made Surya Kumara
Dr. Ryan Saktika Mulyana

Available appointment options:
  • Appointment by prepayment
  • Payment at the clinic after the visit
Contact a manager to select a suitable specialist and convenient payment method.

Provider: PT Bundamedik Tbk; PT Siloam International Hospitals Tbk